WHHI’s exploration of five themes found to characterize the experience of young women hospitalized with heart attack continues. In this...
The Dangers of Self-Diagnosis When it Comes to your Heart
In a recent study, discussed by WHHI in this blog post, five themes were found to characterize the experience of...
The Heart Attack Symptoms You May Not Know About
In our last blog, we presented some of the latest findings about young women and heart disease, specifically, five themes...
Young Women and Heart Disease
Although heart disease is less common in younger women, it is no less important to understand the disease, and your...
Heart Disease in Women & Why Gender-Specific Research is Important
Cardiovascular disease has long been a leading cause of death in Canada, and for a long time, it was predominantly...
The Heart Healthy Diet
When we say that heart disease is largely a preventable disease, it means you can greatly decrease your risk by...
February is Heart Month
February is Heart Month, and WHHI is proud to join with women around the country to raise awareness for such...
The Facts about Women & Heart Health
With heart health month upon us, we would like to take the time to share some important facts about heart...
WHHI in the Montreal Gazette!
WHHI founder, Wendy Wray, was recently featured in an article in the Montreal Gazette by June Thompson. In the article,...
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