National Webinar
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Time: 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm EST #HerHeartMatters Atlas Chapter 9 Hear from authors of the final chapter of the Atlas discuss the next steps for women's cardiovascular health in Canada.
Wear Red Canada
The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance (CWHHA) and the Women’s Healthy Heart Initiative (WHHI) are excited to announce the return of the 6th annual Wear Red Canada campaign on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. We hope you will join in and Wear Red to help raise awareness for women’s heart health.
In addition to sharing your pictures on social media with #HerHeartMatters we welcome you to share some of the key messages for this year’s campaign. Register now.
Happy Birthday WHHI!
2024 is WHHI’s 15th Anniversary. This is our fundraising year! We need your help to ensure the continued success of the WHHI’s team as we provide the women of our community with the best preventative care and health promotion in the nation. For approximately $150 per patient, we can save lives. See our events and learn how you can help, participate individually or with your corporation to raise awareness and funds. Or simply go to our donate page, everything helps. Help us put research into practice.
Donate now.
Signs of a heart attack may present differently in women than in men. Learn what to look for and what you can do to save a life.
80% of premature heart disease can be prevented through healthy lifestyle behaviours. Learn what you can do today to lower your risk.
What you need to know about heart disease including FAQs, our blog, the latest research and a full list of resources.
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Heart disease is a largely preventable disease. By making changes in your daily habits and understanding your risk factors, you can make a difference to your future health.
About us
Women’s Healthy Heart Initiative (WHHI) is the first collaborative Nurse-Led women’s heart disease prevention program in Canada. Our goal is to empower women to take control of their own heart health through awareness, education and prevention.
Created at the McGill University Health Center, it is an innovative model of care where nurses and doctors work together to provide individualized primary prevention heart health care to women.
In 2018, WHHI partnered with the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance (CWHHA). This partnership enabled our small Wear Red Day, started in 2009 to go National to WEAR RED CANADA in 2019. Together we work to close the gaps and ensure women are well-informed and raise awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women in our country.

Get Moving!
Physical in-activity doubles womens risk of developing and dying from heart disease and stroke. Only 30 minutes a day, 5 times per week and remember Life’s Simple 7!
Letter from
the Founder

Too many women still mistakenly believe that breast cancer is the greatest threat to their health while in reality it is heart disease. One in 3 women die of heart disease or stroke each year. As a result, they are not looking for the symptoms of heart disease such as chest discomfort (the main symptom), shortness of breath or extreme fatigue. They may miss or dismiss these symptoms, delaying or not seeking medical help, potentially putting them at serious risk. Moreover, women continue to be under informed, under- diagnosed, under-treated and under-researched.
Heart disease is largely preventable by modifying and reducing risk factors such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, physical inactivity, avoiding diabetes, smoking and poor nutrition. Since launching the WHHI in 2009, patient enrolment has far surpassed initial projections and the positive health benefits we have seen in the women that have been treated are impressive and extremely promising.
As we celebrate our 10th year at the WHHI we can see what a difference we have made in many women’s lives and we know our work is not done. We all have a role to play in spreading the word and educating our friends, family and colleagues so they can prevent this disease. Sharing the information you read on this website, encouraging them to become more informed or seek professional help could improve or even save a woman’s life. By making a donation, you can help us make an even more tangible difference in reducing the risk of heart disease in women. This effort remains funding solely by private donations. You can make a difference. Thank you for your vital and invaluable support!

Wendy Wray,
RN, BScN, MScN, Director WHHI
Wendy is a Fellow, and was the founder and past co-chair of the Montreal Chapter of the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. She is a member of the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance Advocacy Working Group, and is also the recipient of the 2017 Sara Louise King award for Cardiology Research, the Senate of Canada 150 Bronze Medal and the 2017 MUHC Foundation Healthcare Professional of the Year Award.
From our Blog
Our Partners

McGill University Health Centre Foundation
700-5100 boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal, QC, H4A 3T2
To become a WHHI ambassador please contact Wendy Wray at